16th to 25th February 2025 – 9 Days
February/March 2026 – TBD – 9 Days
48 participants max.
5 stages race
55km combined / Walk or Run
95km combined / Run only
Difficulty: simple
Individual price 2790€

Justo Mitieng

Conseiller trail

Kényan, je vous invite dans mon pays pour ce safari running ! Comptez sur moi pour vous faire découvrir le meilleur du Kenya.
Je m’occupe de la partie solidaire sur le Kimbia Kenya avec mon association France Kenya Sport Solidarité, nous échangeons avec les écoles et les communautés tout au long de l’année.
Et mettons en place les actions solidaires : choix des actions, préparation et suivi ainsi que financement. 

Testimonials of participants of Kimbia Kenya 2024


« Une semaine bouleversante, émouvante et enrichissante d’un point de vue sportif mais surtout humain. On ne peut pas rentrer comme on est parti, il y a un avant et un après qui bouleverse le cœur et ouvre vers l’Autre ! »


« Même après 5 participations c’est une magie quotidienne. Découvrir, redécouvrir, partager… incroyable moments de vie« 


« Une aventure humaine et solidaire exceptionnelle, des rencontres fabuleuses. De la bienveillance, du partage et beaucoup d’amour. Une belle leçon de vie 😍 Nadia. »


« Participer au Kimbia Kenya c’est la garantie d’émotions fortes, de rencontres inoubliables, de sourires sincères, de solidarité et de bienveillance entre les participants et une organisation aux petits oignons. On en revient bonifié« 


« Impossible de mesurer ce qui nous attend réellement avant de le vivre… Kimbia Kenya est un voyage initiatique unique, une aventure solidaire et sportive aux côtés des kenyans qui nous accueillent comme les leurs. Un cadre d’exception pour découvrir des paysages époustouflants et faire des rencontres qui marquent les esprits. On ne revient pas pareil de Kimbia Kenya !« 

This trail started with a simple idea: to discover Kenya! In 2013, this project germinated in the heads of Justo Mitieng, a Kenyan who lives in France and his friend Gregory Brussot, director of the agency Exaequo. Since then, Kimbia Kenya has grown, more than 300 participants tread upon the Kenyan tracks, a real success for this project which has always kept its spirit of departure over years: discovery, sharing and trail running..Accessible by race or on foot (for the 50 km only), the adventure allows everyone to find his/her own pace. Each stage of the itinerary permits to discover many facets of the region located in the northwest of Nairobi.

Kimbia Kenya is also an eco-solidarity project. All stages leave, cross or arrive in a school. Two principles define this eco-solidarity project: logistical and material support to these schools and the organization of exchange and sharing moments between participants and the local population, especially with children of the schools.

There are also tourist activities organized during the afternoons for those who still have enough energy after the morning races in order to discover the region of Navaisha, located in the heart of the Rift Valley.

« Return to the roots, in the footsteps of runners of the highlands »

The race will take you around the Lake Elementaita, the smallest lake in the Rift Valley (18km2), classified as a Ramsar site since 2005 and famous worldwide by birds’ lovers. It hosts thousands of pelicans and flamingos. The first stage is ideal to get into the swing to things and acclimatize to the racing conditions in Kenya (altitude and temperature). The track is quite rolling without real D+, with race tracks designed without technical difficulties.

A new stage since 2016, the Gilgil stage is an absolute immersion into the Kenyan life with a departure in single-track trails. Then you will cross fields where you can meet many workers and farmers who will cheer you like a star! To finish, you will cross the village of Gilgil in a certain turmoil when runners are getting close to the finish line.For the third stage, the finish line is located in the very picturesque village of Eburru in altitude which culminates at more than 2400m. This is probably the most difficult stage, but the support and the warm welcome of children will help you to surpass yourself.

During the fourth stage, Kimbia Kenya will pass through Crescent Island. The shores host abundant birdlife including pelicans, cormorants and fish-eagles. There are more animals per acre than any other Kenyan Parks. Hence, many films have been filmed on the Island such as ‘Out of Africa’ to capture incredible images of the herds of Wildebeests, Waterbuck, Zebra and Gazelle.

Hell’s Gate, the must-see! The fifth stage offers a captivating natural park with geysers and two volcanoes Olkaria and Hobley, currently extinct. Here as well, many animals can be observed.

PROGRAM 2024 :

Departure from Paris CDG or another point of departure (if you prefer) – 10.10 am from Paris (charles de Gaulle) – Direct Plane AF814 Terminal 2E
Arrival in Nairobi in the evening – 8.15 pm
Evening and night in Nairobi

Transfer by truck-bus to Naivasha and the Elementaita lodge
Briefing followed by lunch at the lodge
Afternoon : Relaxation and acclimatization. Short leisure activity
Dinner and night at the lodge

7:30 am: Transfer of runners to the race site
8 am: First stage “Gilgil” – (12,5km 81M D+ et 229M D- or 20,2km 123M D+ / 393M D-)
Lunch at the lodge
Afternoon: leisure and/or eco-solidarity activities
Evening: Safari at Nakuru Park
Night at the lodge

8am: Second stage “Lake Elementaita” – (11,3km 100M D+ et 55M D- or 19km 157M D+ et 153M D- ) ( Departure from the lodge – no transfer)
Afternoon: leisure activities and /or eco-solidarity
Dinner and night at the lodge 

8:30 am: Third stage “Eburru” – (11,5km 387D+ et 243D- or 17,2km 687D+ et 243D-)
Lunch at Eburru school
Activities and exchanges with school children from Eburru
Transfer of runners to the 2nd accommodation site,
dinner & night at the lodge

Discovery day “meeting the Massai people”
Dinner & night at the lodge

7:30 am: Transfer of runners to the race site
Fourth stage “Crescent Island” (11,1km 20D+ et 7D- or 20,2km 113D+ et 56D-)
12:00 pm: Lunch at Crescent Island
Afternoon: leisure activities at Crescent Island
Dinner & night at the lodge

7:30 am: Transfer of runners to the race site
8:00 am: Fifth stage “Hell’s Gate National Park” – (9,8km 72D+ et 136 D- ou 20,1km 344D+ et 344D-)
12:30 pm: Lodge lunch
After- noon: Leisure and/or eco-solidarity activities
Dinner, festive evening (barbecue) and night at the lodge

8 a.m.: Trekking to Mont Longonot (1 ascent in a leisurely walk – 3.5kms – 350D+ – then possibility for those who wish to go around the crater 6kms 350D+)
Lunch at the lodge
Afternoon: Eco-activities solidarity
Airport transfer
Check-in and boarding

Nairobi 11.10 – Direct Plane AF815

Arrival In Paris at 5.45am (Paris Charles de Gaule – Terminal 2E)

Although Kimbia Kenya is above all a running and cultural holiday, it is nevertheless a “leisure competition”. This stage trail gives rise to a classification by stage as well as a cumulative classification at the end of the stay. The stages will take place in the morning.

CHOICE OF DISTANCE : When you register you choose the desired distance (short or long distance). You can change your choice until the day of departure by notifying us (race director). During your stay, depending on your state of form you can move from one distance to another without claiming to appear in the final ranking of your event

RACE MARKING : Markings will be done in the eve of the races using stakes, biodegradable soil bombs and/or ribbons attached in the vegetation. A printing map and gpx files are given to every runner, even though it remains unlikely to get lost!

THE TRACKS : The organization reserves the right to modify the routes according to the evolution of the terrain or the weather conditions.

REFRESHMENTS : Water and fruit supplies (dry and fresh) will be set up at the finish line and halfway through some stages.

SECURITY : Three or four staff members will also be positioned alongside the race, especially at the front and back, in order to guide participants and ensure the safety of the group. A medical team, including an ambulance, a doctor and all the first aid medical equipment necessary to the organization of a race in competition will be set up on every stage.

RANKING : The times of each competitor are timed in hours, minutes and seconds. Each stage gives rise to a ranking and the general classification is done by adding the times obtained at each stage.

EQUIPMENT : For the race, you must be equipped with a minimum capacity of 1 liter of water (camel back or gourds) and a minimum of food (cereal bars, gels …), adequate trail shoes and a whistle. This material will be checked at the beginning of the adventure. Depending on weather conditions, we strongly advise you to bring a hat (cap), sunscreen and a lip stick.

RACE RULES : More informations here.


Tracks here

Tracks here


Tracks here

Tracks here

Tracks here

Kimbia Kenya is a solidarity race that will allow you to discover a colorful country and a wonderful region in the heart of the Rift Valley. Whether during trials or touristic activities, be prepared to be amazed ! The region of Naivasha offers a variety of landscapes and colors that you will be able to enjoy before, during and after the race. From the Rift Valley to the shores of Naivasha and Elementaita Lakes, passing through Longonot and MauSuswa, you will have the opportunity to admire many different sites offering splendid panoramas of the surrounding flora.

Concerning the wildlife, you will have plenty occasions to be astonished because most of the stages pass through animal sanctuaries and national parks where live a multitude of wild animals: zebras, buffaloes, monkeys, wildebeest, impalas, waterbucks, pink flamingos, pelicans and so on.

The highlight of this trail remains the human dimension through the symbiosis of the group and the exchanges with the welcoming and smiling local population. Participants from previous editions of Kimbia Kenya were affected deeply by the happy encounters with volunteers, mamas, children, teachers and farmers that encouraged them along the race. Many times, looks and smiles said a lot about this unique sharing experience.Enjoy these extraordinary encounters and these moments of timeless exchanges which will remain engraved in your memory for a long time.

Here some example of activities that will be proposed to you and your companion during your stay:


  • Safari at Nakuru Park (optionnal – 80€)
  • Safari at Cresent Island (optionnal – 10€ for the boat to mett hippos OR 35€ horse riding inside the park)-


  • Trekking on the Mount Longonot at 2700 m altitude (optionnal – 35€)
  • Football match, volleyball and athletic challenges with school children


  • Meetings with schoolchildren of the eco-solidarity project
  • Day in immersion with a Maasai tribe (optional – 25 € meals included)
  • Visit of the township of Nairobi – Kibera (optional – 15 € meals included)
  • Visit of villages and discovery of populations


  • Meetings with school children (games, learning a few words of French and Swahili …)
  • Funding of desks for children in 3 Kenyan schools
  • Financing of part of the schooling of talented young high school girls, members of the high school women’s football team


The association is led by Justo and Claire, a Franco-Kenyan couple who live in France. Kimbia Kenya was born from the meeting between France Kenya Sport Solidarity and Exaequo Communication, with the ambition to make our participants live a unique sporting challenge and a moving human adventure.

Exaequo Communication works in cooperation with the association so that the eco-solidarity project is at the heart of the stay. The objective is to provide sustainable support to education and help the poorest communities in Kenya, through concrete and simple actions (construction or renovation of classrooms, purchase of desks…). The association is mobilized all year round so the solidarity project does not last only during the event but lasts before and after the event and contributes to the local development of rural populations.

Each year, the solidarity project targets a specific objective, based on the needs expressed by the schools. The concrete help is carried out over time to accompany the schools for a minimum of 3 years. An online collection is proposed to finance the purchase of equipment at the local level (water tanks …)

Since 10 years, the association is proud to have allowed the construction of classrooms, financed desks, allowed runners to bring several hundred kg of school supplies …RUN FOR KENYAN SCHOOLS !

In Kenya, the government has turned the education compulsory up to 14 years old. However, many families, especially in rural areas cannot afford to send their children to school and schools lack means.

By helping Kenyan schoolchild, we help their family and community to finance school fees but also to purchase uniforms, desks and textbooks which cannot always be financed by the State.

Thus, the eco-solidarity program of Kimbia Kenya aims to support education in Kenya: we give a helping hand to different schools located around five sites which host the race stages. It is a long-term run support based on the specific needs of the schools, in coordination with the principal of the school and the Parents-Teachers’ Association. After five editions, we are glad to see children who have now access to water to drink or wash their hands, textbooks to study… We hope that our action will also boost children to pursue their studies as long as possible.

“Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world” Nelson Mandela.


The support of France Kenya Sport Solidarity and the support of the participants of Kimbia Kenya to these schools is made through:

  • Funds collected through race registrations (50 euros per participant are donated to the program) which will allow us to purchase various equipment, textbooks and supplies for the schools.
  • The donation of educational material (books, pencils, toys, balloons…), sports clothes or any children clothes you no longer use. They will be given to the director of each school who will organize a fair distribution between children.
  • You can collect funds from your personal and professional entourage. Each year, more than 3,000 euros are collected on the online platform and by participants.
  • On site, participants of Kimbia Kenya will be able to participate in the renovation of schools during a half day with the help of parents and children.

Everything is made to encourage exchanges between the participants of Kimbia Kenya and children in order to share and learn from each other’s culture.

Do you want to get involved in solidarity actions?

La collecte en ligne SPECIAL 10 ANS DE KIMBIA KENYA :

Découvrez le guide des ambassadeurs Kimbia Kenya

Découvrez le dossier dédié au programme solidaire 2023

PRACTICAL INFORMATION 2024 : The practical information below concerns the next edition in February 2024.

TRAVELThe organization also manages travel for all participants, from Paris to Nairobi, with the exception of residents abroad (only) who wish to travel to Nairobi by their own means from their country of residence. If this is the case, please contact us at: contact@exaequovoyages.com

GO TO NAIROBI ON 15/02 : Departure from Paris CDG 2E at 10.10am – direct plane AF814 – Arrival in Nairobi on 8.15pm (local time). Meeting at Paris airport at 7am

RETURN TO PARIS ON 23/02: Departure from Nairobi on 23/02 at 23:10 – Dorect Plane AF815 / Arrival in Paris on 24/02 at 5:45 am (local time). Plane AF815

To know : you are entitled to two large suitcases in the hold (-23kg) and one piece of hand luggage (or 8kg suitcase) in the cabin.

ACCOMODATIONUpon arrival in Kenya after 8 hours of flight, you will spend your first night in a comfortable hotel in Nairobi. Then, you will be accommodated in two different lodges. The first three nights at the Jacaranda Elementaita Lodge. The last 4 nights at Marina Lodge.

The organisation proposes two different formulas for your accommodation :

A campsite formula, this is also the spirit of Kimbia Kenya. Spacious tents for two persons are installed in the camping areas of the lodges where we stay. For participants coming alone, the organization will assign you a partner of the same sex. The organization provides the mattresses but you must bring a sleeping bag, a fitted sheet for a person and a pillow if needed. The sanitary facilities are rudimentary but correct. The sunshine quasi pretty much permanent makes the camping experience pleasant and cold showers enjoyable!

A cottage formula for comfort lovers ! This formula is offered with a supplement of 390€ per person. Due to low capacity, this offer is only available for 10 lodges, that is to say 20 people.

CATERINGYou will find all you need in terms of catering between flavors, local specialties and food adapted to the practice of the effort. Everything is prepared in the lodges. Some meals will be taken outside, especially in villages to allow participants to be closer to the life of communities and appreciate their ‘culinary habits’. Without doubt, you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the Kenyan cuisine.

TRANSPORT : All transfers will be organized by bus truck. This means of transport makes it possible to pass everywhere including in the bush area.


VISA AND PASSPORTOnce you enter Kenya, your passport must be valid for a minimum of 6 months and have two blank pages for the visa stamp application. An e-visa is required to enter Kenyan territory.

VACCINES AND DEDICALS RECOMMANDATIONSThe yellow fever vaccine is not compulsory but strongly recommended ( at least 10 days before departure). Anti-malarial treatment must be anticipated. Our advice: ATOVAQUONE – PROGUANIL (MALARONE). An effective anti-mosquito is necessary. Our advice: la gamme cinq sur cinq. Anticipate your vaccinations because some vaccines can be done by your doctor but others, such as the yellow fever, have to be done at an approved vaccination center. Please, find more information about vaccines and medical recommendation on the Institute Pasteur Website:

INSURANCE : The organization is covered by an organization liability insurance contract. Repatriation insurance is to be taken out by each participant on a compulsory basis – it must be taken out personally.

COMMUNICATIONMobile phones work with the International option but it is very expensive. The code to call someone in Kenya from abroad is the 254. You will have access to wifi (moderate speed) in the lodges. The communication of the event will be ensured on the various social events of the event, the Facebook page and the Instagram account of Exaequo Voyages. In addition, a discussion group between participants and the organization will be created on the What’s App app.

OTHERS : As a reminder, the Kenyan shilling is the local currency (1€ = 128 KSH in February 2023). Payments can also be made in US dollars, more rarely in euros. Bureaux de change and ATMs can be found at Nairobi Airport. Plan to withdraw a sum of 100 to 200 € in KSH which will allow you to pay for your consumption in hotels and your small purchases on site (souvenirs). The easiest way is to withdraw from a dispenser once there. The official languages are Swahili and English. An electrical adapter is to be provided (English plug)

COVID : In case of cancellation of the event by the organizer, in particular due to the health situation, participants will be fully refunded or their registrations will be postponed.

The total number of participants in 2024 is limited to 48 competitors by week. The registration phase is now open until November 30th, 2023. 

The individual price is fixed at 2790 euros over the period. (to be confirmed)

Please note that some touristic activities will be optional with an additional cost for a maximum of 200€. An extra cost of 390€ per person for those who wish to sleep in cottage during the whole stay (20 places maximum). Participants will also have to pay enrolment and online payment fees which represents 1,5% of the total cost of the stay (41,85€).

GROUP RATE : You can benefit from a group discount:

  • 5% starting from 5 people


  • The round-trip Paris-Nairobi (stopover possible at Amsterdam)
  • Daily shuttles by bus to transport participants to the lodges, the departure lines, return to the camps, as well as tourist excursions
  • 3* hotel in twin room (2 single beds) or double room (1 double bed for couples) for the first night in Nairobi
  • The accommodation in campsite (seven nights), mattress included or cottage if you choose the option
  • Catering for the entire stay, except drinks (water included) during meals
  • Provisions (water, fruits) during races
  • Medical assistance during the race and the entire stay
  • A medal for every participant
  • The event t-shirt
  • A payout of 50€ per participant to the solidarity program
  • The technical staff (about 20 people) for the organization of the race, tourist activities and solidarity program.


  • Safari in Nakuru Park (about 80€)
  • A visit in Massai Village (about 30€)
  • A trekking in Mount Longonot National Park (about 35€)
  • A safari on horseback at Sanctuary Farm (about 35€) OR a boat tour on Lake Naivasha to discover hippopotamus (about 10€)
  • A possible visit to the township of Kibera in Nairobi (about 15€ including the meal and the visit)

The registration fee is the same for accompanying persons, who will benefit from all the services listed above. Accompanying persons are allowed to walk on the 10km course. As the total number of participants is limited, the organization will retain files according to the places available and will accept only complete applications before November 30th, 2023, 12:00pm (midday).

POSSIBILITY TO PAY IN 2 TIMES BEFORE NOVEMBER 30th, 2023, 12:00pm (online and secure payment):

  • 1st bank transfer / deposit of 800 euros + online payment fees, 41,85€ (fully paid at the time of the registration with the complete administrative file). You have until December 15th, 2023 12:00pm (midday) to download your documents on the platform.
  • 2nd bank transfer / balance to be made between November 30th, 2023 and December 15th, 2023 (following an email sent by the organization)


  • The photocopy of your valid passport (must be valid during 6 months after the entry on the Kenyan territory)
  • 1 ID photo (scan of an ID photo or photo taken with a phone are authorized)
  • A medical certificate dating from March 2023, at the latest, of non-contraindication to the sport in competition (optional for walkers or the accompanying person).
  • Your attestation of repatriation insurance is compulsory dating from less than a year

THE CANCELLATION CONDITIONS (in accordance with the article 5 of general terms and conditions of sale).

Cancellations of reservations and requests for refunds must be made by registered letter to: Exaequo-Communication – 85 rue de l’avenir, 14790 VERSON. Refunds price scales are as follow :

  • 100€ will be retained for application fees in case of desistance before 7 November 2023
  • 10% of the total fees will be withhold in case of desistance between November 8th, 2023 and November 7th December 2023
  • 30% of the total fees will be withhold in case of desistance between December 8th, 2023 and January 6th, 2024
  • After January 6th, 2024 midnight, no refund request will be accepted.

These costs correspond to the advance payments made by Exaequo Communication for the preparation of the trip. Exaequo Communication strongly recommends participants to subscribe to a cancellation insurance or personal insurance with the insurer of their choice.

General terms and conditions of sale here


This trail started with a simple idea: to discover Kenya! In 2013, this project germinated in the heads of Justo Mitieng, a Kenyan who lives in France and his friend Gregory Brussot, director of the agency Exaequo. Since then, Kimbia Kenya has grown, more than 300 participants tread upon the Kenyan tracks, a real success for this project which has always kept its spirit of departure over years: discovery, sharing and trail running..Accessible by race or on foot (for the 50 km only), the adventure allows everyone to find his/her own pace. Each stage of the itinerary permits to discover many facets of the region located in the northwest of Nairobi.

Kimbia Kenya is also an eco-solidarity project. All stages leave, cross or arrive in a school. Two principles define this eco-solidarity project: logistical and material support to these schools and the organization of exchange and sharing moments between participants and the local population, especially with children of the schools.

There are also tourist activities organized during the afternoons for those who still have enough energy after the morning races in order to discover the region of Navaisha, located in the heart of the Rift Valley.

« Return to the roots, in the footsteps of runners of the highlands »

The race will take you around the Lake Elementaita, the smallest lake in the Rift Valley (18km2), classified as a Ramsar site since 2005 and famous worldwide by birds’ lovers. It hosts thousands of pelicans and flamingos. The first stage is ideal to get into the swing to things and acclimatize to the racing conditions in Kenya (altitude and temperature). The track is quite rolling without real D+, with race tracks designed without technical difficulties.

A new stage since 2016, the Gilgil stage is an absolute immersion into the Kenyan life with a departure in single-track trails. Then you will cross fields where you can meet many workers and farmers who will cheer you like a star! To finish, you will cross the village of Gilgil in a certain turmoil when runners are getting close to the finish line.For the third stage, the finish line is located in the very picturesque village of Eburru in altitude which culminates at more than 2400m. This is probably the most difficult stage, but the support and the warm welcome of children will help you to surpass yourself.

During the fourth stage, Kimbia Kenya will pass through Crescent Island. The shores host abundant birdlife including pelicans, cormorants and fish-eagles. There are more animals per acre than any other Kenyan Parks. Hence, many films have been filmed on the Island such as ‘Out of Africa’ to capture incredible images of the herds of Wildebeests, Waterbuck, Zebra and Gazelle.

Hell’s Gate, the must-see! The fifth stage offers a captivating natural park with geysers and two volcanoes Olkaria and Hobley, currently extinct. Here as well, many animals can be observed.


PROGRAM 2024 :

Departure from Paris CDG or another point of departure (if you prefer) – 10.10 am from Paris (charles de Gaulle) – Direct Plane AF814 Terminal 2E
Arrival in Nairobi in the evening – 8.15 pm
Evening and night in Nairobi

Transfer by truck-bus to Naivasha and the Elementaita lodge
Briefing followed by lunch at the lodge
Afternoon : Relaxation and acclimatization. Short leisure activity
Dinner and night at the lodge

7:30 am: Transfer of runners to the race site
8 am: First stage “Gilgil” – (12,5km 81M D+ et 229M D- or 20,2km 123M D+ / 393M D-)
Lunch at the lodge
Afternoon: leisure and/or eco-solidarity activities
Evening: Safari at Nakuru Park
Night at the lodge

8am: Second stage “Lake Elementaita” – (11,3km 100M D+ et 55M D- or 19km 157M D+ et 153M D- ) ( Departure from the lodge – no transfer)
Afternoon: leisure activities and /or eco-solidarity
Dinner and night at the lodge 

8:30 am: Third stage “Eburru” – (11,5km 387D+ et 243D- or 17,2km 687D+ et 243D-)
Lunch at Eburru school
Activities and exchanges with school children from Eburru
Transfer of runners to the 2nd accommodation site,
dinner & night at the lodge

Discovery day “meeting the Massai people”
Dinner & night at the lodge

7:30 am: Transfer of runners to the race site
Fourth stage “Crescent Island” (11,1km 20D+ et 7D- or 20,2km 113D+ et 56D-)
12:00 pm: Lunch at Crescent Island
Afternoon: leisure activities at Crescent Island
Dinner & night at the lodge

7:30 am: Transfer of runners to the race site
8:00 am: Fifth stage “Hell’s Gate National Park” – (9,8km 72D+ et 136 D- ou 20,1km 344D+ et 344D-)
12:30 pm: Lodge lunch
After- noon: Leisure and/or eco-solidarity activities
Dinner, festive evening (barbecue) and night at the lodge

8 a.m.: Trekking to Mont Longonot (1 ascent in a leisurely walk – 3.5kms – 350D+ – then possibility for those who wish to go around the crater 6kms 350D+)
Lunch at the lodge
Afternoon: Eco-activities solidarity
Airport transfer
Check-in and boarding

Nairobi 11.10 – Direct Plane AF815

Arrival In Paris at 5.45am (Paris Charles de Gaule – Terminal 2E)


Although Kimbia Kenya is above all a running and cultural holiday, it is nevertheless a “leisure competition”. This stage trail gives rise to a classification by stage as well as a cumulative classification at the end of the stay. The stages will take place in the morning.

CHOICE OF DISTANCE : When you register you choose the desired distance (short or long distance). You can change your choice until the day of departure by notifying us (race director). During your stay, depending on your state of form you can move from one distance to another without claiming to appear in the final ranking of your event

RACE MARKING : Markings will be done in the eve of the races using stakes, biodegradable soil bombs and/or ribbons attached in the vegetation. A printing map and gpx files are given to every runner, even though it remains unlikely to get lost!

THE TRACKS : The organization reserves the right to modify the routes according to the evolution of the terrain or the weather conditions.

REFRESHMENTS : Water and fruit supplies (dry and fresh) will be set up at the finish line and halfway through some stages.

SECURITY : Three or four staff members will also be positioned alongside the race, especially at the front and back, in order to guide participants and ensure the safety of the group. A medical team, including an ambulance, a doctor and all the first aid medical equipment necessary to the organization of a race in competition will be set up on every stage.

RANKING : The times of each competitor are timed in hours, minutes and seconds. Each stage gives rise to a ranking and the general classification is done by adding the times obtained at each stage.

EQUIPMENT : For the race, you must be equipped with a minimum capacity of 1 liter of water (camel back or gourds) and a minimum of food (cereal bars, gels …), adequate trail shoes and a whistle. This material will be checked at the beginning of the adventure. Depending on weather conditions, we strongly advise you to bring a hat (cap), sunscreen and a lip stick.

RACE RULES : More informations here.


Tracks here

Tracks here


Tracks here

Tracks here

Tracks here


Kimbia Kenya is a solidarity race that will allow you to discover a colorful country and a wonderful region in the heart of the Rift Valley. Whether during trials or touristic activities, be prepared to be amazed ! The region of Naivasha offers a variety of landscapes and colors that you will be able to enjoy before, during and after the race. From the Rift Valley to the shores of Naivasha and Elementaita Lakes, passing through Longonot and MauSuswa, you will have the opportunity to admire many different sites offering splendid panoramas of the surrounding flora.

Concerning the wildlife, you will have plenty occasions to be astonished because most of the stages pass through animal sanctuaries and national parks where live a multitude of wild animals: zebras, buffaloes, monkeys, wildebeest, impalas, waterbucks, pink flamingos, pelicans and so on.

The highlight of this trail remains the human dimension through the symbiosis of the group and the exchanges with the welcoming and smiling local population. Participants from previous editions of Kimbia Kenya were affected deeply by the happy encounters with volunteers, mamas, children, teachers and farmers that encouraged them along the race. Many times, looks and smiles said a lot about this unique sharing experience.Enjoy these extraordinary encounters and these moments of timeless exchanges which will remain engraved in your memory for a long time.

Here some example of activities that will be proposed to you and your companion during your stay:


  • Safari at Nakuru Park (optionnal – 80€)
  • Safari at Cresent Island (optionnal – 10€ for the boat to mett hippos OR 35€ horse riding inside the park)-


  • Trekking on the Mount Longonot at 2700 m altitude (optionnal – 35€)
  • Football match, volleyball and athletic challenges with school children


  • Meetings with schoolchildren of the eco-solidarity project
  • Day in immersion with a Maasai tribe (optional – 25 € meals included)
  • Visit of the township of Nairobi – Kibera (optional – 15 € meals included)
  • Visit of villages and discovery of populations


  • Meetings with school children (games, learning a few words of French and Swahili …)
  • Funding of desks for children in 3 Kenyan schools
  • Financing of part of the schooling of talented young high school girls, members of the high school women’s football team



The association is led by Justo and Claire, a Franco-Kenyan couple who live in France. Kimbia Kenya was born from the meeting between France Kenya Sport Solidarity and Exaequo Communication, with the ambition to make our participants live a unique sporting challenge and a moving human adventure.

Exaequo Communication works in cooperation with the association so that the eco-solidarity project is at the heart of the stay. The objective is to provide sustainable support to education and help the poorest communities in Kenya, through concrete and simple actions (construction or renovation of classrooms, purchase of desks…). The association is mobilized all year round so the solidarity project does not last only during the event but lasts before and after the event and contributes to the local development of rural populations.

Each year, the solidarity project targets a specific objective, based on the needs expressed by the schools. The concrete help is carried out over time to accompany the schools for a minimum of 3 years. An online collection is proposed to finance the purchase of equipment at the local level (water tanks …)

Since 10 years, the association is proud to have allowed the construction of classrooms, financed desks, allowed runners to bring several hundred kg of school supplies …RUN FOR KENYAN SCHOOLS !

In Kenya, the government has turned the education compulsory up to 14 years old. However, many families, especially in rural areas cannot afford to send their children to school and schools lack means.

By helping Kenyan schoolchild, we help their family and community to finance school fees but also to purchase uniforms, desks and textbooks which cannot always be financed by the State.

Thus, the eco-solidarity program of Kimbia Kenya aims to support education in Kenya: we give a helping hand to different schools located around five sites which host the race stages. It is a long-term run support based on the specific needs of the schools, in coordination with the principal of the school and the Parents-Teachers’ Association. After five editions, we are glad to see children who have now access to water to drink or wash their hands, textbooks to study… We hope that our action will also boost children to pursue their studies as long as possible.

“Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world” Nelson Mandela.


The support of France Kenya Sport Solidarity and the support of the participants of Kimbia Kenya to these schools is made through:

  • Funds collected through race registrations (50 euros per participant are donated to the program) which will allow us to purchase various equipment, textbooks and supplies for the schools.
  • The donation of educational material (books, pencils, toys, balloons…), sports clothes or any children clothes you no longer use. They will be given to the director of each school who will organize a fair distribution between children.
  • You can collect funds from your personal and professional entourage. Each year, more than 3,000 euros are collected on the online platform and by participants.
  • On site, participants of Kimbia Kenya will be able to participate in the renovation of schools during a half day with the help of parents and children.

Everything is made to encourage exchanges between the participants of Kimbia Kenya and children in order to share and learn from each other’s culture.

Do you want to get involved in solidarity actions?

La collecte en ligne SPECIAL 10 ANS DE KIMBIA KENYA :

Découvrez le guide des ambassadeurs Kimbia Kenya

Découvrez le dossier dédié au programme solidaire 2023


PRACTICAL INFORMATION 2024 : The practical information below concerns the next edition in February 2024.

TRAVELThe organization also manages travel for all participants, from Paris to Nairobi, with the exception of residents abroad (only) who wish to travel to Nairobi by their own means from their country of residence. If this is the case, please contact us at: contact@exaequovoyages.com

GO TO NAIROBI ON 15/02 : Departure from Paris CDG 2E at 10.10am – direct plane AF814 – Arrival in Nairobi on 8.15pm (local time). Meeting at Paris airport at 7am

RETURN TO PARIS ON 23/02: Departure from Nairobi on 23/02 at 23:10 – Dorect Plane AF815 / Arrival in Paris on 24/02 at 5:45 am (local time). Plane AF815

To know : you are entitled to two large suitcases in the hold (-23kg) and one piece of hand luggage (or 8kg suitcase) in the cabin.

ACCOMODATIONUpon arrival in Kenya after 8 hours of flight, you will spend your first night in a comfortable hotel in Nairobi. Then, you will be accommodated in two different lodges. The first three nights at the Jacaranda Elementaita Lodge. The last 4 nights at Marina Lodge.

The organisation proposes two different formulas for your accommodation :

A campsite formula, this is also the spirit of Kimbia Kenya. Spacious tents for two persons are installed in the camping areas of the lodges where we stay. For participants coming alone, the organization will assign you a partner of the same sex. The organization provides the mattresses but you must bring a sleeping bag, a fitted sheet for a person and a pillow if needed. The sanitary facilities are rudimentary but correct. The sunshine quasi pretty much permanent makes the camping experience pleasant and cold showers enjoyable!

A cottage formula for comfort lovers ! This formula is offered with a supplement of 390€ per person. Due to low capacity, this offer is only available for 10 lodges, that is to say 20 people.

CATERINGYou will find all you need in terms of catering between flavors, local specialties and food adapted to the practice of the effort. Everything is prepared in the lodges. Some meals will be taken outside, especially in villages to allow participants to be closer to the life of communities and appreciate their ‘culinary habits’. Without doubt, you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the Kenyan cuisine.

TRANSPORT : All transfers will be organized by bus truck. This means of transport makes it possible to pass everywhere including in the bush area.


VISA AND PASSPORTOnce you enter Kenya, your passport must be valid for a minimum of 6 months and have two blank pages for the visa stamp application. An e-visa is required to enter Kenyan territory.

VACCINES AND DEDICALS RECOMMANDATIONSThe yellow fever vaccine is not compulsory but strongly recommended ( at least 10 days before departure). Anti-malarial treatment must be anticipated. Our advice: ATOVAQUONE – PROGUANIL (MALARONE). An effective anti-mosquito is necessary. Our advice: la gamme cinq sur cinq. Anticipate your vaccinations because some vaccines can be done by your doctor but others, such as the yellow fever, have to be done at an approved vaccination center. Please, find more information about vaccines and medical recommendation on the Institute Pasteur Website:

INSURANCE : The organization is covered by an organization liability insurance contract. Repatriation insurance is to be taken out by each participant on a compulsory basis – it must be taken out personally.

COMMUNICATIONMobile phones work with the International option but it is very expensive. The code to call someone in Kenya from abroad is the 254. You will have access to wifi (moderate speed) in the lodges. The communication of the event will be ensured on the various social events of the event, the Facebook page and the Instagram account of Exaequo Voyages. In addition, a discussion group between participants and the organization will be created on the What’s App app.

OTHERS : As a reminder, the Kenyan shilling is the local currency (1€ = 128 KSH in February 2023). Payments can also be made in US dollars, more rarely in euros. Bureaux de change and ATMs can be found at Nairobi Airport. Plan to withdraw a sum of 100 to 200 € in KSH which will allow you to pay for your consumption in hotels and your small purchases on site (souvenirs). The easiest way is to withdraw from a dispenser once there. The official languages are Swahili and English. An electrical adapter is to be provided (English plug)

COVID : In case of cancellation of the event by the organizer, in particular due to the health situation, participants will be fully refunded or their registrations will be postponed.


The total number of participants in 2024 is limited to 48 competitors by week. The registration phase is now open until November 30th, 2023. 

The individual price is fixed at 2790 euros over the period. (to be confirmed)

Please note that some touristic activities will be optional with an additional cost for a maximum of 200€. An extra cost of 390€ per person for those who wish to sleep in cottage during the whole stay (20 places maximum). Participants will also have to pay enrolment and online payment fees which represents 1,5% of the total cost of the stay (41,85€).

GROUP RATE : You can benefit from a group discount:

  • 5% starting from 5 people


  • The round-trip Paris-Nairobi (stopover possible at Amsterdam)
  • Daily shuttles by bus to transport participants to the lodges, the departure lines, return to the camps, as well as tourist excursions
  • 3* hotel in twin room (2 single beds) or double room (1 double bed for couples) for the first night in Nairobi
  • The accommodation in campsite (seven nights), mattress included or cottage if you choose the option
  • Catering for the entire stay, except drinks (water included) during meals
  • Provisions (water, fruits) during races
  • Medical assistance during the race and the entire stay
  • A medal for every participant
  • The event t-shirt
  • A payout of 50€ per participant to the solidarity program
  • The technical staff (about 20 people) for the organization of the race, tourist activities and solidarity program.


  • Safari in Nakuru Park (about 80€)
  • A visit in Massai Village (about 30€)
  • A trekking in Mount Longonot National Park (about 35€)
  • A safari on horseback at Sanctuary Farm (about 35€) OR a boat tour on Lake Naivasha to discover hippopotamus (about 10€)
  • A possible visit to the township of Kibera in Nairobi (about 15€ including the meal and the visit)

The registration fee is the same for accompanying persons, who will benefit from all the services listed above. Accompanying persons are allowed to walk on the 10km course. As the total number of participants is limited, the organization will retain files according to the places available and will accept only complete applications before November 30th, 2023, 12:00pm (midday).

POSSIBILITY TO PAY IN 2 TIMES BEFORE NOVEMBER 30th, 2023, 12:00pm (online and secure payment):

  • 1st bank transfer / deposit of 800 euros + online payment fees, 41,85€ (fully paid at the time of the registration with the complete administrative file). You have until December 15th, 2023 12:00pm (midday) to download your documents on the platform.
  • 2nd bank transfer / balance to be made between November 30th, 2023 and December 15th, 2023 (following an email sent by the organization)


  • The photocopy of your valid passport (must be valid during 6 months after the entry on the Kenyan territory)
  • 1 ID photo (scan of an ID photo or photo taken with a phone are authorized)
  • A medical certificate dating from March 2023, at the latest, of non-contraindication to the sport in competition (optional for walkers or the accompanying person).
  • Your attestation of repatriation insurance is compulsory dating from less than a year

THE CANCELLATION CONDITIONS (in accordance with the article 5 of general terms and conditions of sale).

Cancellations of reservations and requests for refunds must be made by registered letter to: Exaequo-Communication – 85 rue de l’avenir, 14790 VERSON. Refunds price scales are as follow :

  • 100€ will be retained for application fees in case of desistance before 7 November 2023
  • 10% of the total fees will be withhold in case of desistance between November 8th, 2023 and November 7th December 2023
  • 30% of the total fees will be withhold in case of desistance between December 8th, 2023 and January 6th, 2024
  • After January 6th, 2024 midnight, no refund request will be accepted.

These costs correspond to the advance payments made by Exaequo Communication for the preparation of the trip. Exaequo Communication strongly recommends participants to subscribe to a cancellation insurance or personal insurance with the insurer of their choice.

General terms and conditions of sale here